Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Eat. Drink. Cook.

I love to eat, drink, and cook.  It's really that simple.  There is nothing better than good company, awesome food and wonderful wine.  It's not hard work as my sister recently said on Facebook.  "I cook with wine, sometimes I put it in the food..."  This is so true.  The cooking part does not have to seem like you are a slave to the kitchen.  There is a wonderful glass of wine, or nice pint of beer, or 4 olive martini that will pair well with the making of every recipe I unfold in this blog space.

Here are a few insights on what to expect in completely random order, but equal significance: 

This is my space and I can say what I want.

Several friends have recently suggested that I make a food blog.  Possibly so that I stop posting photos on facebook of delicious food that I made. 

I live in a box of an apartment on Capitol Hill barely big enough for my two large dogs and other half, so don't think there will be any invitations for large rocking dinner parties flying out of my mailbox anytime soon.  Just saying. 

Several of the first recipes I share will be from close friends and family.  They hold a special place in my heart.  The recipes themselves tell stories.  It's the idea that taste as well as smell can often trigger your photographic memory and bring back that moment in time. 

There will be no set amount of recipes I will be expected to submit within any given time frame.

Expect photos.  Lots of them.

You are more than welcome to share any recipe with me on this space.  It is very interesting to get a "blind fold recipe".... then try to recreate it.  Anyone who reads this will be getting one from me so it seems only fair.

The title of this blog is "That's Delicious!"  It was going to be the title of my first cookbook, but I settled for blog instead.

Please enjoy the recipes to follow.

1 comment:

  1. I am thrilled that you have an official blog. As you stated, I got tired of looking at the FB photos of the phenomenal meals you have cooked. This is going to be a great adventure. Just the reason to buy new goblets to drink while I read.
